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Assembly Source File
3,391 lines
* * * *
* * ATerm 0.20, by Jez San, (c)1986 Argonaut Software Ltd. * *
* * * *
* * 129, The Broadway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 4RN, ENGLAND * *
* * * *
* * FrillFree Terminal Software For The Amiga A1000 * *
* * * *
* * -- Freeware -- * *
* * * *
* Some Include files that might be useful (Most aren't!)
include "exec/types.i"
include "exec/funcdef.i"
include "exec/exec_lib.i"
include "libraries/dos.i"
include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
include "devices/serial.i"
include "devices/narrator.i"
* Program History:
* ------------------
* (Once Upon A Time...) This prog was written on a boring day in January.
* During February, I decided that it should have been completed in January!!
* (But It wasn't!). A Guilt complex set in, but a rare disease known as
* 'PAID WORK' caused me to spend my time trying to complete my arcade game
* for BT RAINBIRD, called "STARGLIDER" (a 3d space battle simulator)
* Pressure from CBM Sysops on PLINK (thanks Harv!) made me add the final
* tweaks, and.. (suspense.....) Here it is, the first talking terminal!
* Disclaimers:
* I haven't read the Intuition manual yet, and thus there isn't a friendly
* user-interface in this program (.. yet!) I will add it... eventually.
* PLEASE, People!! Improve this program!! Ensure that it is in the
* Public domain, but feel free to add lotsa fun features to this 'frill
* free' Terminal program.
* Above all, this program was an exercise for me to learn about Amiga's OS
* and how to use it. Unfortunately, machine code usage of Amiga OS is
* very poorly documented... All the manuals assume a working knowledge
* of 'C', but unfortunately (for me) I have not learned this language.
* I had fun writing this; hope You enjoy using it.
* --- Jez San,
* London, England.
* Tracking me down...
* In USA -> CIS '72247,3661', BIX 'jsan', PLINK 'UK JEZ', Source 'BCD776',
* In UK -> Prestel, '919991062', MUD 'Jez'.
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* A Macro, cos I'm lazy at typing...
print macro * handle,messagepointer
move.l \1,d1
lea \2(PC),a0
bsr message
* Arbitrary Equates, and his pal; Label Definitions
sysbase equ $4 Base Pointer to the Exec
csi equ $9b Control Sequence Introducer
keytime equ 500 us timeout
* Popular Character Definitions
lf equ $a Our Old Favourites!
cr equ $d
xon equ $11 CtrlQ
xoff equ $13 CtrlS
esc equ $1b
space equ $20
* Xmodem Definitions
soh equ $01 Start Of Header
eot equ $04 End Of Transmission
ack equ $06 Acknowledge
nak equ $15 No Acknowledge
can equ $18 Cancel
_LVOTranslate equ -30 Undefined in my Library file! Hope your
* INCLUDE files are better than mine!
* .. And not forgetting The Program
startup move.l sp,saveSP Save the stack pointer, just in case
move.l 4(sp),d0 Size of our allocated Stack
* Point to our allocated memory (STACK! and bss)
move.l sp,a0 Current stack
sub.l #endbss-startbss+256,d0
sub.l d0,a0 Subtract our allowance to find start
sub.l #256,d0 Subtract safety margin Length
and.w #$ffff-3,d0 Mask to a Long Word boundary
move.l a0,bufstart Start of Buffer value
move.l d0,buflen Length of buffer value
* Open DOS library.
move.l sysbase,a6 Pointer to Exec Library
lea thedos(pc),a1 Point to title of DOS
moveq #0,d0 Version number
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,dosbase DOS library Pointer
beq openerr Error, can't open library!
* Open Translator library.
lea thetrans(pc),a1 Point to title of Translator
moveq #0,d0 Version
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,tranbase
beq openerr
* Open Console for I/O.
lea conname(pc),a1 Point to console definition text
bsr openfile Open a DOS file
beq openerr
move.l d0,chandle Console Handle
* Find what task we are in, and install it in the msg ports
sub.l a1,a1 We want *MY* task
move.l sysbase,a6 Exec Lib Ptr
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
move.l d0,MP_SIGTASK+write_reply
move.l d0,MP_SIGTASK+read_reply
move.l d0,MP_SIGTASK+nwriterep
* Add three Message Ports to the system, one for Input, one for Output,
* and one for Narrator.
lea read_reply,a1 Message Port
jsr _LVOAddPort(a6) Add another Port to list
lea write_reply,a1 Repeat procedure for another Port
jsr _LVOAddPort(a6)
lea nwriterep,a1 Add the Narrator message port
jsr _LVOAddPort(a6)
* Open Serial.Device for Input
lea readreq,a1 IRequest area
move.b #myflags,IO_SERFLAGS(a1)
move.l #read_reply,$E(a1) !!! Message.MN_REPLYPORT undefined
moveq #0,d0 UnitNumber, ignored.
moveq #0,d1 Flags, ignored.
lea serdevice(pc),a0 Point to the Device Name
jsr _LVOOpenDevice(a6) Open it
tst.l d0 Did it Open Okay?
bne openerr Zero is Successful (consistent!!?)
* Open Serial.Device for Output
lea writereq,a1 ORequest area
move.b #myflags,IO_SERFLAGS(a1)
move.l #write_reply,$E(a1) Message.NN_REPLYPORT
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
lea serdevice(pc),a0 Device definition
jsr _LVOOpenDevice(a6)
tst.l d0
bne openerr
* Open Narrator device.
lea talkio,a1 Talk request block
moveq #0,d0 Unit Number=0
moveq #0,d1 Device number=0
lea nardevice(pc),a0 Device definition
jsr _LVOOpenDevice(a6)
tst.l d0
bne openerr
* Initialise the Narrator
lea talkio,a1 Talk Output request area
move.l #nwriterep,$E(a1) Find the message port!
move.l #amaps,NDI_CHMASKS(a1) Audio Channel Masks
move.w #4,NDI_NUMMASKS(a1) Number of channels
move.w #210,NDI_RATE(a1) Make it talk faster than average!
* Initialise the serial port here...
lea writereq,a1 Point to request block
move.b #8,IO_READLEN(a1)
move.b #8,IO_WRITELEN(a1)
move.l #0,IO_CTLCHAR(a1) Should set to zero perhaps!?
move.b #myflags,IO_SERFLAGS(a1)
move.l sysbase,a6
jsr _LVODoIO(a6) Send it!
bsr initser
print chandle,welcome Display the welcome Message
* Initialise a few variables
st squalking Turn squalking off as default
clr.b fileflag No file Transfer going on
move.l bufstart,bufptr Buffer Empty
clr.b duplex Default = Full Duplex
clr.l lengthin No text in speech buffer
move.l #intext,textptr Initial buffer pointer
* The Main loop!
mainloop bsr scankey User type a key?
beq notkeyu Nope
cmp.b #csi,d0 Did User press a function key?
beq trycsi Yes, so print up the menu
* -- Decode Function Keys here, if necessary! --
tst.b duplex Full or Half Duplex?
beq.s fulldup Z=Full Duplex
bsr wrchar Local echo
fulldup bsr sendser Send the character
notkeyu move.b fileflag,d0 Are we Uploading the Buffer?
cmp.b #'U',d0 Yes??
bne.s notkey1 Nope!
move.l ubufptr,a0 Get Upload pointer
move.l bufptr,a1 Get Normal Buffer Pointer
cmp.l a1,a0 How are we doing?
bge.s finupl Must have finished!
move.b (a0)+,d1 Get next character to Upload
move.l a0,ubufptr Increment Upload buffer pointer
bsr sendser Send the character
bra.s notkey1 ... and continue
finupl clr.b fileflag Discontinue the Upload sequence
notkey1 bsr scanser Any chars waiting on the Ser port?
bmi.s mainloop Nope, nothing there!
and.w #$7f,d0 Mask out Parity bit (Ignore Parity!)
bsr wrchar Print it on the screen
cmp.l #255,lengthin If buffer full, dont buffer anymore
beq dosqualk
move.l textptr,a0 Put character into Text buffer
move.b d0,(a0)+ ready for speech
move.l a0,textptr
addq.l #1,lengthin
cmp.b #cr,d0 Was it end of line?
bne.s nsqualk1 If so, Squalk it!
dosqualk bsr squalk
nsqualk1 cmp.b #'D',fileflag Are we downloading text?
bne mainloop Nope!
move.l bufptr,a0 We ARE downloading, so Where Buffer?
move.b d0,(a0)+ Insert Character into Buffer
move.l a0,bufptr Increment buffer
* Test for Buffer Overflow? Not properly implemented yet!
move.l a0,a1
sub.l bufstart,a1 current-start = Length
cmp.l buflen,a1 Is it too big?
bcc warnsave Force user to Save Buffer if too big!
bra mainloop .. And continue for more!
* User pressed a Special key, generating a Control Sequence Introducer
trycsi bsr rdchar Get the next character
cmp.b #'?',d0 Was it HELP?
bne.s morecsi
bsr rdchar Get next char
cmp.b #'~',d0 Caret is end of sequence
beq trymenu
bra mainloop
morecsi bra mainloop Test for Function Keys here!
* User pressed HELP key, to display the menu
trymenu bsr sendxoff
* Open a new window stacked on top of the old one, for displaying
* the Menu.
lea conname(pc),a1 Point to console definition text
bsr openfile Open it
beq openerr
move.l d0,mhandle Console Window's handle
* Display the menu!
menuagn print mhandle,menutext Display the menu
bsr infobuf How many characters in buffer?
menuagn2 bsr rdmenu Get a key from Menu Console
cmp.b #esc,d0 Escape key pressed?
beq menuexit So Return back to Terminal
and.w #$df,d0 Mask out Lower Case
cmp.b #'Q',d0 Q for Quit?
beq termmenu
cmp.b #'B',d0 B for Baudrate?
beq setbaud
cmp.b #'C',d0 C for Clear?
beq doclear
cmp.b #'D',d0 D for Download?
beq dodownl
cmp.b #'E',d0 E for Echo?
beq localec
cmp.b #'L',d0 L for Load Buffer?
beq loadbuf
cmp.b #'U',d0 U for Upload Buffer?
beq uplode
cmp.b #'X',d0 X for Xmodem Transfer?
beq xmodem
cmp.b #'T',d0 T for Talk mode?
beq talkmode
bra menuagn2 Go back for another choice perhaps?
menuexit bsr.s closemenu Close the menu console
bsr sendxon Send an Xon to resmue host xmission
bra mainloop Now back to the Terminal!
termmenu bsr.s closemenu Close the Menu console
bra terminate Quit the program!
* Close the Menu Console window
move.l mhandle,d1 Close the Menu window
move.l dosbase,a6 Dos library
jmp _LVOClose(a6)
* Clear the Capture Buffer
clear move.l bufstart,bufptr
bra trymenu
* Change the baud rate
* Clear the buffer
doclear move.l bufstart,bufptr
bra menuagn
* Start the Download in process
dodownl move.b fileflag,d0 Are we already downloading?
cmp.b #'D',d0 Yes??
beq.s down2 if so, stop downloading, and save buf!
* Print up a message saying that downloading is ON! and do it!
print mhandle,down1m
move.b #'D',fileflag Flag saying Download is on!
move.l bufstart,bufptr Clear buffer contents!
bra menuagn Go back to Main Loop
* Downloading must be turned OFF here, and buffer saved.
down2 move.l bufptr,a0 Was there anything in the buffer?
cmp.l bufstart,a0 Yes?
beq down3 Turn off downloader, anyway!
bsr savebuf Save the buffer
bne menuagn
down3 clr.b fileflag Stop Downloading,
move.l bufstart,bufptr and clear buffer
print mhandle,down2m Tell user that Download is OFF
bra menuagn Go back to Main Loop
* Toggle the Local Echo mode
localec print mhandle,nowset2m
not.b duplex Invert state
beq.s showfull
* Half duplex...
print mhandle,halfm
bra menuagn
* Full duplex...
showfull print mhandle,fullm
bra menuagn Back to the Menu
talkmode not.b squalking
beq.s issqualk
print mhandle,notsqm
bra menuagn
issqualk print mhandle,yessqm
bra menuagn
* Start an Upload
uplode move.b fileflag,d0 Are we already uploading?
cmp.b #'U',d0 Yes??
beq alredu tell'em we already are!
move.l bufptr,a0 Anything in buffer?
move.l bufstart,a1 Start of buffer
cmp.l a0,a1 forget it if nothing in buffer
beq exitu1
move.b #'U',fileflag Flag an Uplo0ad in progress
move.l a0,ubufptr Point the Upload buffer to text.
print mhandle,upld1m Tell user that Upload has started
exitu1 bra menuagn Go back to Main Loop
* Tell the User they are very naughty indeed!
alredu print mhandle,upld2m
bra menuagn Back to Menu time!
* Display how many characters in Buffer
infobuf move.l bufptr,d0 Current buffer pointer - start = length
sub.l bufstart,d0
bsr bin2decl
print mhandle,infmess1
move.l buflen,d0
bsr bin2decl
print mhandle,infmess2
warnsave print chandle,warnmes
bsr rdchar
bra trymenu
* Save the Buffer out to disk and Clear it.
savebuf bsr filename
beq badsave
bsr openup
beq badsave
bsr writefile
bsr closefile
moveq #0,d0 Signal an OKAY save.
* Load Buffer from disk
loadbuf bsr filename
beq badload
* Zero out entire buffer area prior to loading a flie
move.l bufstart,a0
move.l buflen,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
bufclrlp clr.l (a0)+
subq.l #1,d0
bne.s bufclrlp
bsr openit
beq badload
bsr readfile
bsr closefile
bra menuagn
badload print mhandle,bloadmes
bra menuagn
badsave print mhandle,bsavemes
moveq #-1,d0
* Requests a filename
filename print mhandle,filemes
bsr getline Get a line of text
* Copy over filename from input buffer to file buffer
lea inputbuf,a2
lea filehead,a3
moveq #32,d2
copylp1 move.b (a2)+,(a3)+
dbra d2,copylp1
move.b #13,d0
bsr wrmenu
move.b #10,d0
bsr wrmenu
tst.b inputbuf Will be zero if no entry
* Gets a line of text from the user
getline lea inputbuf,a2
clr.l (a2) Zero the first bit
getlin1 bsr rdmenu Get keyboard Input
cmp.b #8,d0 Backspace
beq backspace
cmp.b #127,d0 Delete
beq backspace
bsr wrmenu Display it onscreen
cmp.b #13,d0 Return?
beq creturn
move.b d0,(a2)+ Put character into buffer
bra getlin1
* Return pressed... put a Null to terminate, and exit with d0=num of chars.
creturn clr.b (a2)+
sub.l #inputbuf,a2
move.l a2,d0
cmp.l #inputbuf,a2 Dont allow backspacing before the Start
beq getlin1
move.b #8,d0 Space
bsr wrmenu
move.b #32,d0 Space
bsr wrmenu
move.b #8,d0 Backspace
bsr wrmenu
clr.b (a2) Zero the current character
subq.l #1,a2 Backtrack one character
bra getlin1
* Read in an entire file
readfile move.l fhandle,d1 Handle of the flie
move.l bufstart,d2 Where to put the data
move.l buflen,d3 Length
move.l dosbase,a6 Library ptr
jsr _LVORead(a6) Get the text from the file
* Update length of file to represent amount of text read
move.l bufstart,d1 Get start of buffer
add.l d0,d1 Add number of characters in file
move.l d1,bufptr Save result as End of buffer
* Write out an entire file
writefile move.l fhandle,d1 Handle of File
move.l bufstart,d2 Start of Buffer
move.l bufptr,d3 length = End of Buffer
sub.l bufstart,d3 Subtract Start of buffer = Length
move.l dosbase,a6 Library ptr
jmp _LVOWrite(a6) Write the text to the console window
* Close the file
closefile move.l fhandle,d1 Close the Menu window
move.l dosbase,a6 Dos library
jmp _LVOClose(a6)
* Open the file
openit lea filehead,a1
bsr openfile
move.l d0,fhandle
tst.l d0
* Open file for updating
openup lea filehead,a1
bsr openwrite
move.l d0,fhandle
tst.l d0
* Flush Serial Port, to ensure internal buffer is M.T.
flushser bsr scanser Try and get some characters from port
bpl.s flushser If we get some, it aint M.T.
* Xmodem file transfer bits
xmodem print mhandle,xmes1
bsr rdmenu
and.w #$df,d0
cmp.b #'U',d0
beq xmodemup
cmp.b #'D',d0
beq xmodemdn
bra menuagn
xmodemup print mhandle,exitmess
bsr sendxon Get host transmitting again
move.l bufstart,a4 Start of Xmodem buffer
moveq #1,d2 Block number
* Start by waiting for an initial NAK from the receive side
xmodeup0 print mhandle,upmes1
move.w #20,d6 Timeout
bsr waitser
bmi.s xsendblk
cmp.b #nak,d0
bne.s xmodeup0
* Check for End of file here
xsendblk move.b d2,block
bsr scanmenu Does User want to cancel?
bne xcancel
move.b block,d2
move.l bufptr,a0 Are we at end of buffer?
cmp.l a4,a0
ble finxup
bsr prblock
clr.b d3 Checksum
move.b #soh,d0 Start of block
bsr sendser
move.b d2,d0
bsr sendser Block number
move.b d2,d0
not.b d0
bsr sendser
move.w #127,d4 Counter for block
xmodeulp move.b (a4)+,d0 Get a byte
add.b d0,d3 Compute checksum
bsr sendser
dbra d4,xmodeulp
move.b d3,d0 Send checksum
bsr sendser
wait20s move.w #20,d6 Wait 20 seconds
bsr waitser
bmi.s upnogood
cmp.b #ack,d0
beq.s upgonext
cmp.b #can,d0
beq.s xcancel
cmp.b #nak,d0
bne.s wait20s
upnogood print mhandle,uperr1
uretry sub.l #128,a4 Backtrack a block
bra xsendblk
upgonext addq.b #1,d2 Increase block number
bra xsendblk
finxup move.b #eot,d0
bsr sendser
finxup1 move.w #20,d6
bsr waitser
bmi.s finxup
cmp.b #ack,d0
beq.s finxup2
bra.s finxup1
finxup2 print mhandle,updun1
bra menuagn
xcancel print mhandle,cancmes
bsr rdmenu
bsr nlmenu
and.w #$df,d0
cmp.b #'Y',d0
beq uretry
move.b #can,d0
bsr sendser
bra menuagn
nlmenu move.l d0,-(sp)
move.b #13,d0
bsr wrmenu
move.b #10,d0
bsr wrmenu
move.l (sp)+,d0
xrcancel print mhandle,cancmes
bsr rdmenu
bsr nlmenu
and.w #$df,d0
cmp.b #'Y',d0
beq xreclp0
move.b #can,d0
bsr sendser
bra menuagn
xmodemdn print mhandle,exitmess
bsr sendxon Get host moving again
move.l bufstart,a4
moveq #1,d2
print mhandle,rstart1
* Send initial NAK
xreclp0 bsr sendnak
xreclp1a bsr scanmenu Has user pressed a key?
bne xrcancel
move.w #20,d6 Wait for block
bsr waitser
bpl.s xrecok1 Keep doing it, if nothing going.
print mhandle,ret1mes
bra.s xreclp0
xrecok1 cmp.b #soh,d0
beq.s xrecrcv
cmp.b #eot,d0
beq xreceot
cmp.b #can,d0
beq xrcancel
bra.s xreclp1a
* Block coming in...
xrecrcv bsr prblock
bsr wait10 Get block
bmi xrslowr
cmp.b d0,d2 Same as current one?
bne xrbadblk
bsr wait10 Get inversed block number
bmi xrslowr
not.b d0
cmp.b d0,d2 Okay?
bne xrbadbl2 Definitely a bad block
* Get the 128 data bytes
move.w #127,d4 Byte count
clr.b d3 Checksum
xrecrclp bsr wait10 Timeout
bmi.s xrecnop3
move.b d0,(a4)+ Store the character
add.b d0,d3 Checksum
dbra d4,xrecrclp Loop for more
bsr wait10
bmi.s xrcheckm
cmp.b d0,d3 Checksum any good?
bne xrchecks
* Block was Okay, so increment block counter
addq.b #1,d2 Increment block counter, and continue
bsr sendack
bra xreclp1a
* A character was missed from inside a block
xrecnop3 print mhandle,misschm
ext.l d4
add.w d4,a4
sub.w #127,a4
bsr waitfin
bra xreclp0
* Missed checksum
xrcheckm print mhandle,xchksm2
bsr waitfin
bra xreclp0
xrchecks sub.l #128,a4
move.l d0,-(sp)
print mhandle,xchksm
move.b d3,d0
and.w #$ff,d0
bsr bin2decw
print mhandle,xchksm1
move.l (sp)+,d0
and.w #$ff,d0
bsr bin2decw
bsr nlmenu
bsr waitfin
bra xreclp0
xrslowr print mhandle,slowm1
bsr waitfin
bra xreclp0
xrbadblk addq.b #1,d0
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s xrbbb1
subq.b #1,d0
xrbadbl2 move.l d0,-(sp)
print mhandle,badblkm
move.l (sp)+,d0
and.w #$ff,d0
bsr bin2decw
bsr nlmenu
bsr waitfin
bra xreclp0
* If previous block was repeated, then do an ACK to get it up to date
xrbbb1 bsr waitfin
bsr sendack
print mhandle,dupmes1
bra xreclp1a
xreceot bsr sendack
move.l a4,bufptr Update buffer size
print mhandle,xrecm2
* File downloaded, so now determine the ACCURATE length of file.
bsr rdmenu
and.w #$df,d0
cmp.b #'Y',d0
bne savedown
* Chop the file here...
print mhandle,xrecm3
move.l bufptr,d0 Current file's length
sub.l bufstart,d0
bsr bin2decl
print mhandle,xrecm4
* Determine approximate length...
move.l bufptr,a0 Last byte=Null?
move.b -(a0),d1
detlp1 cmp.b -(a0),d1 Is the previous byte the same?
beq.s detlp1
addq.l #1,a0 Forward one character again
sub.l bufstart,a0 Turn it into a Length
move.l a0,d0
bsr bin2decl Print it
bsr nlmenu
* Perform decimal input value here and change bufptr accordingly!
print mhandle,askchop
bsr getline
tst.l d0
beq savedown
lea inputbuf,a0
bsr dec2bin
tst.l d0
beq savedown
bmi savedown
* Really ought to check that the CHOP value is within range here!!
add.l bufstart,d0
move.l d0,bufptr
savedown bsr savebuf
bra menuagn
* Wait for ONE total second of nothingness!
waitfin move.w #2,d6
bsr waitser
bpl.s waitfin
* Print the current block number
prblock movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
print mhandle,pblokm
clr.l d0
move.b d2,d0
bsr bin2decw
move.b #32,d0
bsr wrmenu
bsr wrmenu
bsr wrmenu
move.b #13,d0
bsr wrmenu
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
* Waits ten seconds for a character then gives up
wait10 move.w #10,d6
* Scan for a character with wait for d6 number of seconds
waitser bsr scanser
bpl.s retwait1
subq.w #1,d6
waitser1 move.w #17000,d7
waitser2 bsr scanser
bpl.s retwait1
dbra d7,waitser2
dbra d6,waitser1
moveq #-1,d0 Necessary?
retwait1 tst.l d0
* Terminate this program and return to CLI
lea read_reply,a1 Remove the Reply Port
move.l sysbase,a6 Exec Lib Ptr
jsr _LVORemPort(a6)
lea write_reply,a1 Remove this one too
jsr _LVORemPort(a6)
lea nwriterep,a1 Remove Narrator port
jsr _LVORemPort(a6)
lea readreq,a1 Close the Serial Device
jsr _LVOCloseDevice(a6)
lea writereq,a1 Again
jsr _LVOCloseDevice(a6)
lea talkio,a1 Narrator Device
jsr _LVOCloseDevice(a6)
move.l chandle,d1 Close Console window for final time
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
move.l tranbase,a1 Close the translator library
move.l sysbase,a6
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
move.l dosbase,a1 Close the DOS library
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
moveq #0,d1 Return Code=Good
move.l d1,d0
exitprog move.l saveSP,sp Restore Old Stack Pointer
rts Yea, a JMP would have sufficed!
* Dos command to open a file
openfile move.l a1,d1 Wants it in Data register (weird!)
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2 Signal not to create a new file
move.l dosbase,a6 Dos lib
jsr _LVOOpen(a6) Open the file
tst.l d0 An Error perhaps?
rts File's handle in d0
* Opens a file for writing!
move.l a1,d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr _LVOOpen(a6)
tst.l d0
* Signal an error because something didn't Open properly!
*openerr move.l chandle,d1 Close Console window for final time
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
move.l dosbase,a1 Close the DOS library
move.l sysbase,a6
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
moveq #-1,d1 Return code = BAD!
move.l d1,d0
bra exitprog
* Prints the message pointed to by a0, (Null terminated).
message movem.l d0-d3,-(sp)
move.l a0,d2 Start of message
clr.l d3 Length is zero for the moment
message1 tst.b (a0)+ End of message?
beq.s message2 Length known, go print it now!
addq.l #1,d3 Increment Length
bra.s message1 Back for more characters
* Ready to print message now: d1=dest handle, d2=ptr to text, d3=length.
message2 move.l dosbase,a6 Library ptr
jsr _LVOWrite(a6) Write the text to the console window
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3
wrmenu movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
move.l mhandle,d1
bra.s chrout2
* Write character in d0 to Console Window
wrchar movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) Save World! (MOVEM overkill!??)
move.l chandle,d1 handle of Console window
chrout2 lea cbuff,a1 Point to the character buffer
move.b d0,(a1) Put character in buffer
move.l a1,d2 Weird data register usage
move.l #1,d3 Length
move.l dosbase,a6 Library ptr
jsr _LVOWrite(a6) Write the text to the console window
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 Restore World
* Shortened special-case Serial characters
sendxon move.b #xon,d0 Send an Xon to resume data flow
bra.s sendser
sendxoff move.b #xoff,d0 Send an Xoff to freeze data flow
bra.s sendser
sendack move.b #ack,d0 Send an ACK for acknowledgement of block
bra.s sendser
sendnak move.b #nak,d0 Send a NAK to indicate error of block
bra.s sendser
newline move.b #cr,d0 Print a NEWLINE
bsr.s wrchar
move.b #lf,d0 carriage return + line feed
bra.s wrchar
dospace move.b #space,d0 Print a Space
bra.s wrchar
* Serial Character Input
serin movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) Save World!
* Do a WaitIO to get the char, and followed by a SendIO to initiate the
* next read!
lea readreq,a1 Ptr to Request Block
move.l sysbase,a6 Exec lib ptr
jsr _LVOWaitIO(a6)
clr.l d0
move.b bufin,d0 The byte returned
move.l d0,-(sp)
lea readreq,a1 Request block
move.l #1,IO_LENGTH(a1)
jsr _LVOSendIO(a6) Initiate the NEXT read
move.l (sp)+,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 Restore World
tst.l d0 Always Positive, so set PL flag
sendser movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) Save World
lea writereq,a1 Ptr to Write Request block
move.l #1,IO_LENGTH(a1) One byte
move.l #bufout,IO_DATA(a1) Buffer address
move.l sysbase,a6 Exec Lib Ptr
move.b d0,bufout Put byte and send it
jsr _LVODoIO(a6) Send Byte
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 Restore World
* Read character into d0 from Console Window
rdchar movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) Save World!
move.l chandle,d1 handle of Console window
bra.s chrin2
rdmenu movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) Save World!
move.l mhandle,d1 Handle of Menu window
chrin2 lea cbuff,a1
move.l a1,d2 Point to the character
move.l #1,d3 Length
move.l dosbase,a6 Library ptr
jsr _LVORead(a6) Write the text to the console window
clr.l d0 Prepare for receipt of a Char
move.b cbuff,d0 Character returned in d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 Restore World
* Scans for a key from the Keyboard, if nothing there, sets MINUS flag!
* Otherwise, character in d0
scanmenu movem.l d1-d2,-(sp)
move.l mhandle,d1
move.l #keytime,d2
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr _LVOWaitForChar(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2
tst.l d0
beq.s nokey1
bra rdmenu
scankey move.l chandle,d1 Console Handle
move.l #keytime,d2 Timeout
move.l dosbase,a6 Dos library
jsr _LVOWaitForChar(a6) Anything waiting for us?
tst.l d0 False=0
beq.s nokey1 Nothing there!
bra.s rdchar Proceed further to Get it
nokey1 rts
scanser lea readreq,a1 Check to see if a character is there
move.l sysbase,a6 exec lib ptr
jsr _LVOCheckIO(a6) Anything there?
tst.l d0 Z=nothing
bne serin
moveq #-1,d0
* Text to speech of serial input
squalk tst.b squalking Am I enabled?
bne endsqualk
* Send an XOFF to prevent host from sending anymore
bsr sendxoff
* Clear output buffer before use
move.w #127,d0
lea outtext,a0
sqclrlp clr.l (a0)+
dbra d0,sqclrlp
* Use Translator to convert input text into output phonemes
lea intext,a0
move.l lengthin,d0
lea outtext,a1
move.l #512,d1 Fixed length output buffer
move.l tranbase,a6
jsr _LVOTranslate(a6)
* Use narrator to speak the phoneme text
lea talkio,a1 Narrator Request block
move.l #512,IO_LENGTH(a1) Fixed length!
move.l #outtext,IO_DATA(a1)
move.l sysbase,a6
jsr _LVODoIO(a6) Should be SendIO perhaps!?
bsr sendxon Allow HOST to continue sending
clr.l lengthin Reset the text buffers
move.l #intext,textptr
* Power of Ten table! (for binary/ascii routines!)
tentable dc.l 1
dc.l 10
dc.l 100
dc.l 1000
dc.l 10000
tenbckw dc.l 100000
dc.l 1000000
dc.l 10000000
dc.l 100000000
tenback dc.l 1000000000
* Print a number that is contained in binary in d0
bin2decw movem.l d0-d7/a0,-(sp)
clr.w d4
lea tenbckw(pc),a0
moveq #4,d3
tst.w d0
beq.s binzero
bpl.s bindecl
neg.w d0
bra.s bindecw
* Print up a Long Word in binary
bin2decl movem.l d0-d7/a0,-(sp)
clr.w d4
lea tenback(pc),a0
moveq #8,d3
tst.l d0
beq.s binzero
bpl.s bindecl
neg.l d0
bindecw move.b #'-',d1
bsr wrchd1
bindecl move.l -(a0),d1
clr.w d2
bindec1 sub.l d1,d0
bmi.s bindec2
addq.w #1,d2
bra.s bindec1
bindec2 add.l d1,d0
tst.w d2
bne.s bindecz
tst.w d4
beq.s bindec3
bindecz move.w d2,d1
add.w #$30,d1
bsr wrchd1
moveq #1,d4
bindec3 dbra d3,bindecl
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0
* Special Case of Zero
binzero move.b #'0',d0
bsr wrmenu
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0
* Weird version of WRCHAR that uses d1 instead of d0
wrchd1 move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l d1,d0
bsr wrmenu
move.l (sp)+,d0
* Decimal Ascii to Binary routine...
dec2bin movem.l d1-d5/a1,-(sp)
clr.l d0
clr.l d1
clr.w d4
lea tentable(pc),a1
move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b #'-',d1
seq d5
beq.s dnumlp
cmp.b #'+',d1
bne.s dnumlp1
* Main primary loop to find the last digit
dnumlp move.b (a0)+,d1
dnumlp1 cmp.b #'0',d1
blt.s atend0
cmp.b #'9',d1
bgt.s atend0
addq.w #1,d4
bra.s dnumlp
atend0 subq.l #1,a0
subq.w #1,d4
move.l a0,-(sp)
* Fall thru into secondary loop to evaluate digits
atend1 move.b -(a0),d1
move.l (a1)+,d2
and.w #15,d1
subq.w #1,d1
bmi.s atend3
clr.l d3
atend2 add.l d2,d3
dbra d1,atend2
add.l d3,d0
atend3 dbra d4,atend1
* Finished conversion, so check sign here...
tst.b d5
beq.s fincon2
neg.l d0
fincon2 move.l (sp)+,a0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d5/a1
* Set the baud rate
setbaud tst.l baud
beq setbaud2
print mhandle,baudold
move.l baud,d0
bsr bin2decl
bsr nlmenu
setbaud2 bsr nlmenu
print mhandle,baudmes
bsr getline
tst.l d0
beq menuagn
lea inputbuf,a0
bsr dec2bin
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr nlmenu
bsr nlmenu
move.l (sp)+,d0
tst.l d0
beq menuagn
bmi menuagn
move.l d0,baud
bsr abortser
* Initialise the Serial Port to the selected baud rate.
lea readreq,a1 Point to write request block
move.l baud,IO_BAUD(a1) Baud Rate
move.b #myflags,IO_SERFLAGS(a1)
move.l sysbase,a6
jsr _LVODoIO(a6) Send it!
bsr initser
bra menuagn
* Initiate the Serial Receive to get a character
initser lea readreq,a1 I request block
move.l #1,IO_LENGTH(a1) How many characters
move.l #bufin,IO_DATA(a1)
move.l sysbase,a6
jmp _LVOSendIO(a6)
abortser lea readreq,a1
move.l sysbase,a6
jmp _LVOAbortIO(a6)
* Library Definitions :
thedos DOSNAME
cnop 0,2
thetrans dc.b 'translator.library',0 * Where's the Macro!??
cnop 0,2
* Device Definitions
serdevice SERIALNAME
cnop 0,2
nardevice dc.b 'narrator.device',0
cnop 0,2
amaps dc.b 3,5,10,12 Audio Channel Maps
cnop 0,2
* Textual Definitions
conname dc.b 'RAW:0/0/640/200/ArgoTerm 0.20',0
cnop 0,2
sername dc.b 'SER:',0
cnop 0,2
welcome dc.b 'ArgoTerm, by Jez San, (c)1986 Argonaut Software Ltd.,'
dc.b ' London, England.',13,10
dc.b 'Freeware: No profit must be made from the distribution'
dc.b ' of this program.',13,10
dc.b '[Use the AmigaDOS STACK command to allow a larger Capture '
dc.b 'Buffer]',13,10,10
dc.b 'Press the HELP key for the Command Menu.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
menutext dc.b 'You may choose from the following options :',13,10,10
dc.b 'B - Configure the transmission speed (Baud Rate),',13,10
dc.b 'C - Clear (wipe) the Capture Buffer,',13,10
dc.b 'D - Download text into the Capture Buffer,',13,10
dc.b 'E - Local Echo mode (Half Duplex) on/off,',13,10
dc.b 'L - Load a disk file into the Buffer,',13,10
dc.b 'Q - Quit this program; terminate session,',13,10
dc.b 'T - Turn On/Off the Squalk Mode (narrator),',13,10
dc.b 'U - Upload the contents of the Capture Buffer,',13,10
dc.b 'X - Xmodem file transmission (aka MODEM7).',13,10,10
dc.b 'There are ',0
cnop 0,2
infmess1 dc.b ' out of ',0
cnop 0,2
infmess2 dc.b ' characters in the Capture Buffer.',13,10,10
dc.b 'Please select one of the above options,',13,10
dc.b 'or ESC to return to the terminal session.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
down1m dc.b 13,10,'Capturing text now, select DOWNLOAD again to '
dc.b ' finish and store.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
down2m dc.b 13,10,'File saved, Download is complete.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
upld1m dc.b 'Text will be upload when you return to the Terminal.'
dc.b 13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
upld2m dc.b 'Hmmm.. You ARE already uploading!!',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
nowset2m dc.b 'Configured for: ',0
cnop 0,2
fullm dc.b 'Full Duplex.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
halfm dc.b 'Half Duplex.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
ioerrmes dc.b 'Serial I/O Error!',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
yessqm dc.b 13,10,'Squalk Mode On!',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
notsqm dc.b 13,10,'Squalk Mode Off!',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
warnmes dc.b 13,10,10,'Memory Full!! Please SAVE the Buffer!',13,10,10
dc.b 'Press any key to enter the menu.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
savemes dc.b 'Save Buffer.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
filemes dc.b 13,10,'Please enter the filename : ',0
cnop 0,2
bloadmes dc.b 13,10,10,'File not loaded!',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
bsavemes dc.b 13,10,10,'File not saved!',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
xmes1 dc.b 13,10,10,'Xmodem transfer; <U>pload or <D>ownload ?',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
upmes1 dc.b 13,10,'Waiting for receiver to start the transfer...',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
uperr1 dc.b 13,10,'Receiver not happy, retrying...',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
updun1 dc.b 13,10,'File transferred safely.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
cancmes dc.b 13,10,'For some reason, the transfer has been cancelled.'
dc.b 13,10,'Bearing in mind that this could have been line'
dc.b 13,10,'noise, you may press <Y> to continue, or any other'
dc.b 13,10,'key to abort this transfer.',13,10,10,0
cnop 0,2
rstart1 dc.b 13,10,10,'Initiating the transfer (my NAK has been sent!)'
dc.b 13,10,0
cnop 0,2
ret1mes dc.b 13,10,'No response, re-requesting the block.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
xrecm2 dc.b 13,10,'File downloaded successfully.',13,10,10
dc.b 'Due to XMODEM inaccuracies, the length of the file has '
dc.b 'been rounded up to',13,10
dc.b 'the next nearest block. Do you wish to CHOP the '
dc.b 'file to the correct length?',0
cnop 0,2
xrecm3 dc.b 13,10,10,'The length of the file is currently : ',0
cnop 0,2
xrecm4 dc.b 13,10,10,'My intelligent estimate of the file length is : ',0
cnop 0,2
askchop dc.b 13,10,10,'You may either use my Estimate, or your own '
dc.b 'figures, or alternatively',13,10
dc.b 'you may press RETURN to leave the file at its current '
dc.b 'length.'
dc.b 13,10,10,'What length would you like this file to be ? ',0
cnop 0,2
slowm1 dc.b 13,10,'Slow (or not enough) response.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
badblkm dc.b 13,10,'Bad block received was : ',0
cnop 0,2
dupmes1 dc.b 13,10,'A duplicate block has been received.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
misschm dc.b 13,10,'Missed a character in the block.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
xchksm dc.b 13,10,'Checksum Error in the block, should have been ',0
cnop 0,2
xchksm1 dc.b ' but was ',0
cnop 0,2
xchksm2 dc.b 13,10,'Checksum was missing from the block.',13,10,0
cnop 0,2
exitmess dc.b 13,10,10,'To exit: hit a key, and wait patiently!',13,10,10
dc.b 0
cnop 0,2
pblokm dc.b 'Current block : ',0
cnop 0,2
baudmes dc.b 13,10,10,'Please enter the baud rate, or RETURN to leave '
dc.b 'it the same ? ',0
cnop 0,2
baudold dc.b 13,10,'Current baudrate is : ',0
cnop 0,2
section vars,bss
cnop 0,4
readreq ds.l 20 Serial Input Request area
writereq ds.l 20 Serial Output Request area
narread ds.l 20 Narrator Input
talkio ds.l 20 Narrator Output
read_reply ds.l 8 Read Reply Port
write_reply ds.l 8 Write Reply port
nwriterep ds.l 8 Narrator write reply
inputbuf ds.l 20 Space for some keyboard text!
filehead ds.l 8 Space for the filename
intext ds.l 64 Input text buffer is 256 bytes
outtext ds.l 128 Output phonetic text (512 bytes worth of phonemes!)
* Long Words
saveSP ds.l 1 Initial Stack Pointer
dosbase ds.l 1 Base of Dos library
tranbase ds.l 1 Base of Translator
chandle ds.l 1 Handle for Console window
mhandle ds.l 1 Handle for Menu Console window
fhandle ds.l 1 Handle of diskfile
bufptr ds.l 1 Pointer to Capture Buffer
ubufptr ds.l 1 Pointer to Uploading text pointer
bufstart ds.l 1 Pointer to Start Of Buffer
buflen ds.l 1 Total maximum size of buffer
cbuff ds.l 1 Character Buffer, 1 byte used
textptr ds.l 1 Ptr to intext buffer
lengthin ds.l 1 Length of text in intext
bufin ds.l 1 Serial Input Buffer
bufout ds.l 1 Serial Output Buffer
baud ds.l 1 Current baud rate
* Words
* Bytes
cnop 0,4
fileflag ds.b 1 Flag indicating Up/Download status
duplex ds.b 1 Full Duplex=0, Half Duplex=$ff
squalking ds.b 1 Squalking enabled=0
block ds.b 1 Block number
cnop 0,4